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POSTECH International Relations

Program Information



1 Semester (4 months) or 1 Academic Year (10 months)

  • 11 Undergraduate

    Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial & Management Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Convergence IT Engineering,

  • +6 Graduate

    Environmental Science & Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Materials Science, Advanced Nuclear Engineering, Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Bioengineering, Ferrous & Eco Materials Technology

※ 11 Undergraduate Programs also exist as Graduate Programs

※ Subject to completion of pre-requisite courses, POSTECH does not have any restriction between cross-faculty or cross-level


POSTECH is a Bilingual Campus with 5~60% of courses taught in English. Course Listings


Students will be able to issue their Official Transcript on My Page after their Completion. Usually, transcripts will be available within a month from the end of each semester.

Grading Scale
Maximum Working Hours
Grade 4.3 Scale 100 Scale
A+ 4.3 100
A0 4.0 97-99
A- 3.7 94-96
B+ 3.3 90-92
B0 3.0 87-89
B- 2.7 84-86
C+ 2.3 80-82
C0 2.0 77-79
C- 1.7 74-76
D+ 1.3 70-72
D0 1.0 67-69
D- 0.7 64-66
F Failure Below 59
S/U S: Satisfactory / U: Unsatisfactory

※ W: Withdrawl / I: Incomplete / SA:Satisfactory Audit

Credit System

Semester Limits & Recommendations

  • Undergraduate

    Standard Full Time: 15
    Min: 10 / Max: 22

  • Graduate

    Min: 3 / Max: 18